Exploring the world through art and compassion; this is my creative journey

Other Sites & Sections to Visit

Water & Light Gallery

To see or purchase my artwork, please visit the Water & Light Gallery at https://waterandlight.gallery

Family & Friends

Family & Friends can view our family photo albums, videos, audio clips, and more at our Family & Friends site.


Members gain special access, member-only podcasts, blogs and much more. Please contact me for member access.

About Dan

Family man, business executive, water media artist, writer, public speaker, photographer, musician, cook, gardener, technologist, innovator and creator, adventurer and natural world enthusiast…

Hello, my name is Dan, thank you for visiting my personal website. I was born in southeastern Indiana and currently live in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with my lovely wife of 25-years, Debbie, our two children, Alex and Flynn, two octogenarian pets, Boarder-Beagle rescue dog, Hope and fussy but beautiful rescue cat, Emmy, as well as our newest addition, three-month old puppy, Poppy...

Embracing over 25 years of executive experience leading software, data & analytic, and service companies across multiple and divergent industry segments, I've become a catalyst for industry evolution, and fostering trust among investors, employees, and customers alike. With a track record of delivering spectacular performance while leading more than $6 billion in revenue and orchestrating $1.5 billion in M&A endeavors, my journey is a testament to the power of strategic leadership and collaborative growth. I navigate the ever-changing business landscape with innovation, creativity, and unparalleled integrity.

Additionally, I am a water-media artist, art historian and collector, photographer and natural world enthusiast, traveler and adventurist, gardener and home chef with mad kitchen skills, writer, musician, public speaker, technologist and lover of learning new things.

Please feel free to contact me at danbuelljr@gmail.com, and thanks again for visiting my personal website!

Dan’s Instagram Feed.

Connect with Dan Buell

Reach out to express your creative vision and explore collaborative opportunities. Your message will be carefully considered and responded to promptly.